17 October 2011

VENEZUELA / USA: Large Diaspora Finds Other Reasons To Stay Away...Besides Hugo.

                                          WSJ/ A. GONZALEZ

WSJ:     "Waves of white-collar Venezuelans have fled the country's high crime rates, soaring inflation and expanding statist controls, for destinations ranging from Canada to Qatar. The top U.S. destinations are Miami, a traditional shopping mecca for Venezuelans, and Houston, which has long-standing energy ties to Venezuela, a major oil exporter.
    And the ones who are leaving generally aren't the poor, but rather, middle-class professionals."
     Now...with Hugo Chavez finally weakened by cancer treatment...some politicians in Caracas would like the large diaspora to return.
    But, many exiles list other reasons besides Chavez...not to return to Venezuela...like rampant crime, a crumbling infrastructure, soaring inflation, and torpid bureaucracy.