02 October 2011

USA / NYC : 700 Arrested On Bridge In NYC Wall Street Protest March.


     The media likes to portray multi-billionaire NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg as a benign capitalist.
     And...just last week on the popular TV broadcast '60 Minutes"...his police force came off as a fearsome force against terrorists.
     The NYC police can also overreact.
     They held some 700 protesters for several hours while marching over the Brooklyn Bridge...as part of the growing weeks long 'Occupy Wall Street' protest...in what some call...'the Battle of the Brooklyn Bridge.'
     The police have arrested over 1,000 so far during the two week long protest against greed.
     Author Salman Rushdie tweeted: "The world's economy has been wrecked by these rapacious traders. Yet it is the protesters who are jailed."
    ALSO: Protesters plan another march on Wall Street for Wednesday.