10 October 2011

MONDAY MORNING MUSIC: Desde Mexico: Lila Downs Battles The Narco Blues.

     YOUTUBE/ 2:21/ Image Montage 
     'La Llorona'- from 'Frida Kahlo' movie

     Today, M3 features Mexicana Lila Downs singing 'La Llorona'...from the movie 'Frida Kahlo'.

     'Frido Kahlo' starred that glorious actress Selma Hayek...with Kahlo's infamous unibrow...while celebrating the old days in Mexico.

    Mexico's brutal and violent narco war is not far removed from here in Austin, Texas...as excellent bi-lingual reporter Jeremy Schwartz of the local newspaper has  just revealed...about the long and deep  central Texas connections of the La Familia gang.

    The narco turf wars are now engulfing the Gulf port city of Veracruz...having already ravaged Cd. Juarez, the entire states of Sinaloa, Michoacan, Tamaulipas and Guerrero... and notably the big cities of Monterrey and Acapulco.

     Folk singer Lila Downs, 43, has felt her nation's pain for years.
     She was born in Oaxaca to a gringo father and a Mixtec indigena mother.
    “There was a time I just couldn’t read the news, but now I can face up to it, I can fight better against what is happening thanks to my music– that is my refuge,” Downs told EFE.
      She has a new disc...“Pecados y Milagros”/Sins and Miracles...to help drown those fears and sorrows.

     TO READ Schwartz's account of La Familia/Austin connections: