07 October 2011

ITALY: Berlusconi's Nasty Quip...Brings Nasty Backlash.


     Why do so many Italians continue to put up with the anciano loathe-ario PM Silvio Berlusconi?
     He is again outraging many...after quipping that his political party be renamed with a common word for female genitalia.
     Silvio said he has considered renaming his political party 'Forza Gnocca'/Go Pussy.
    That brought loud condemnations from the Catholic Church...and of course the opposition.
    "Now the farce is turning into tragedy," said one MP.
     Democratic senator Anna Finocchiaro said: "These are not jokes but a reflection of the view that Berlusconi and his coalition have of the country – backward, vulgar and squalid."
     Some financial experts say Silvio's behavior and numerous legal problems are even driving down and endangering the quality of Italian debt. Both Fitch and Moody's this week downgraded Italy's credit rating.
    Many are demanding that he resign as PM...but Silvio refuses.