20 October 2011

EUROZONE / GREECE / GERMANY: Merkel Risks Losing Power Over Saving Euro.


     It's almost a suicide mission.
     Chancellor Angela Merkel may be risking her third term in 2013...by endorsing more bailout measures to save the euro.
     In a recent poll...nearly 80% of Germans oppose any further financial contributions to aid Greece.
    Germany’s portion of bailouts already totals E211 billion.
    “The German media have been hammering away in a tabloid manner on the idle Greeks and this has gone deep into the German psyche,” says an observer.
     Another says that:“Merkel is the whipping boy now, but she also understands brinkmanship. Things that were unthinkable a year ago are now being demanded, and Merkel understands that when she finally makes the right decision people will say that she was right.”