18 October 2011

EU / UKRAINE / RUSSIA : Medvedev Woos Yanukovych After EU Snub Over Yulia Conviction; Putin Hints About PM Toss-up.


     As widely anticipated...EU President Herman Van Rompuy cancelled a 20 Oct. meeting in Brussels to discuss free-trade with President Viktor Yanukovych (above) for “... a later date when the conditions will be more conducive to making progress on the bilateral relations.”
     The EU is steamed with Yanukovych for jailing former PM Yulia Tymoshenko with what it views as a politically motivated conviction.
     The postponement enabled Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev to again lobby Ukraine to join its regional customs union...and perhaps obtain cheaper nat-gas from Moscow.

AND : Current PM Vladimir Putin hinted that Medvedev's future as the next PM may NOT be secure. In a casual remark, Putin said Medvedev's role may hinge on the success of their party in Dec. parliamentary elections...especially the lower Duma.
    The two men recently announced a likely job swap.