05 October 2011

CHILE: Student Protest Leader Camila Vallejo's Profile Expands Worldwide.

E.VERGARA with brief Vallejo interview
2 screen read...combined

     After 5 months and 36 demonstrations, students again resume face-to-face talks with government officials about changes in the underfunded public school system... even demanding free public universities for all.
     But President Pinera shows no sign of bending.
     "Nothing is free in life,"he states...and recently threatened new 3-year prison sentences for those taking over colleges or opposing riot police.
    Meanwhile student leader Camila Vallejo, 23,(left) has emerged from the many confrontations as the go-to media spokesperson.
     She is on YouTube and celebrated as an international celebrity.
     One fan even put her in a cartoon as a superheroine battling a presidential villain.
     Others have composed love songs in her honor. 
     She has a Twitter following of nearly 300,000.