18 July 2011

MONDAY MORNING MUSIC: Desde Brasil...Another Legend...Chico Buarque.

YOUTUBE/ 6:13 / static foto
    "Vai Passar" is Buarque's  MPB hit...from 1984-85.

    Chico Buarque de Hollande's music has always included social commentary...including protests during the nation's military dictatorship.
   "Vai" was extremely popular when I lived in Rio.
    It was the nation's transition year...from military control into a democracy.
    It also reminds me of my novia then...the fabulous Rita from Niteroi, a quiet enclave across the bay from Rio.
    Rita was also a Dutch Brasilera. A knock-out blond...who spoke no English...and put up with my street Portuguese.
    Oi, Niteroi!

FOR more bio info, SEE: