26 April 2011

UKRAINE: Challenges Of The English Language Press In Eastern Europe; 25th Chernobyl Anniversary.

NYTIMES/ A. Kramer/

    Kramer describes the challenges of running an English language newspaper in Eastern Europe...recounting  a recent serious problem of the Kyiv Post's editor Brian Bonner.. with the Ukrainian government.

NYT:  "Media rights groups say that all too often at newspapers in this region, a phone call is all it takes to kill an article, even if only to save face for a public official who misspoke.
    But when that approach was applied to an English-language newspaper with Western ideals, the phone calls did not work as intended. Mr. Bonner(Kyiv Post) refused to kill the article and was fired, and the newsroom went on strike to support him."

AND:   English Language 2:25 Video Report on Chernobyl's 25th Anniversary: