02 April 2011

ECUADOR: Possible Bull Fighting Ban Has Some...Fighting Mad.

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   On Saturday 7 May, Ecuadorians will vote for 10 diverse referendum issues.
   But the item that is stirring-up the electorate makes it illegal to kill animals for entertainment.
   On other words, it would end the 300-year tradition of bull-fighting.
   President Rafael Correa (pictured) is urging an across-the-board “Yes” vote.
   But tens of thousands feel the end of bull fighting limits their personal freedom.
    In February, 15,000 people attended a Quito bullfight and cockfight called “Bulls and Cocks for Freedom.” Correa now says cockfighting would be exempt.
   Spain's province of Cataluña outlawed bullfighting in 2010.
   Colombia has tried -- but failed to outlaw the spectacle.