10 March 2011

BRASIL: Building Begins On Belo Monte Dam; Beija-Flor Wins In Sambadromo; Petrobras Abandons Oil Search Off Cuba.

       Construction work has officially begun on the Amazon's controversial $11 billion usd Belo Monte hydroelectric dam.
     Photos show work beginning for access roads to the mammoth dam that would the second largest in Brasil and the third largest in the world.

AND: The group Beija-Flor won its 12th Rio Carnaval samba title, barely beating out Unidade de Tijuca.
 It's theme was called “The Simplicity of a King,” that recreated the life of singer-songwriter Roberto Carlos, 70.

ALSO:   In the first serious blow to the Castros' hopes for oil independence and wealth, giant Petrobras has abandoned exploring for oil off Cuba's coast.
    The prospecting "didn't work out," said an official. "We're sorry, but the truth is that one has to work with tangible qualities and that bloc didn't offer any certainty."