10 March 2011

ARGENTINA: FM Timerman Neglecting Ambassadorships; Cristina Reportedly Wary Of His Ambition.


    Three notable Argentine ambassadorial vacancies exist... in Beijing, Moscow and London.
    There has been no Moscow ambassador since October 30.
   And last January, Buenos Aires' man in Beijing was removed after misunderstandings with the Chinese and  cool trade relations.
     Plus, there will also be no ambassador in London until December 2012 to protest the second round of oil exploration in the Falkland Islands’ waters. The last ambassador there, Federico Mirré, left his post in 2008.
     Buenos Aires is blaming the unfilled posts on Minister of Foreign Affairs Hector Timerman,
  (pictured above) aka Twitterman for his frequent tweets.
    President Cristina's inner circle also suspects Timerman  may want to be president.
    He recently made several impolitic statements about President Kirchner's re-election.