13 February 2011

U.S. MEDIA: Profile Of Arianna Huffington: A Changeling Personified.

Long Profile / P. HARRIS/
    "Ah. Here it comes again: the latest transformation of Arianna Huffington. Her revelation that the HuffPo was never really about politics probably came as news to the many bloggers who freely give their labor to it for the liberal causes they believe in.
    But when all the heat and bluster has died down, should anyone really be surprised? Huffington's life has been one big exercise in repeated David Bowie-like reinvention.

AND: "From Greece to London to New York to California (and, soon, New York again), Huffington has flitted from place to place, donning and shedding roles, jobs and political beliefs like they were different outfits to wear to different parties. She has been a London intellectual, a New York "It Girl", a hardcore California Republican, a liberal figurehead and an internet proselytiser.
    With each identity, she has won more influence and convinced people she really means it this time. Then, she spies another, greater opportunity. Now she is rebooting herself once more, heading into the giddy heights of the big business world with millions of dollars in her pockets. Prepare for Huffington's latest guise: corporate titan."