12 February 2011

BRASIL: Ex-Prez Cardoso Praises Dilma As "Positive Surprise."

BLOOMBERG/ Joshua Goodman /

    Former President Fernando Henrique Cardoso (pictured), 79, delivered a surprizing critique about new President Dilma Rousseff's performance so far.
     He said Dilma's first month in office has been a “positive surprise” as she tries to lessen the free-spending policies of ex-president Lula.
Cardoso campaigned against Rousseff.
     He claims it’s too early to know whether Rousseff can manage her coalition as well as mentor and predecessor Lula da Silva.
    Cardoso, president from 1995 to 2002, said he also likes Rousseff’s willingness to curb spending, distance herself from Lula’s approach to Iran and toughen Brasil’s stance toward China.