07 December 2010

MEXICO: Protestors March Against Cancun Climate Summit's "False Solutions."

GUARDIAN/ John Vidal /
    Every day 100 buses carrying some 3,000 peasant farmers, indigenous people and social protestors from 12 countries converge on an old basketball court in a poor area of the Cancun to march peacefully and protest the summit's "false solutions."
   "What they are proposing is good only for capitalists. Capitalism has caused climate change and now it wants to make new business from it. They want to turn the air into a commodity. They want to put a price tag on everything," says Brasil's Luis Gomes de Maura. "These are false solutions to climate change."
     Activist author Niels Barmeyer says :"People here have experienced climate crisis much more than people living in cities. They have had their farming devastated by the import of cheap GM maize and now it's just not worth them growing maize in many places now. People are leaving the fields and going to the US."