07 December 2010

BULGARIA/ ITALY: "Bunga-Bunga" Berlusconi Accused Of Flying 40-Person Entourage To Venice Film Fest With Italy's Funds.

GUARDIAN/ Ben Child /
   More controversy for Italy's embattled Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, whom  "The Economist" magazine lately is calling "Burlesqueconi."
      Media reports say that Berlusconi, 74, is being investigated for spending €400,000 in state funds to fly a "personal friend," Bulgarian actress and director Michelle Bonev, 39,  to the Venice film festival, along with a 40-person entourage, to receive a fabricated award.
    It is also alleged that Berlusconi demanded that  Bonev's movie "Goodbye Mama" be shown in Venice and that she receive 'some kind of prize.'

For Link To Previous "Bunga Bunga" story, SEE: