17 September 2010

CUBA: Fidel's Recent Comment On a Broken Economic Model; An Interview With 2 Witnesses.

PBS NEWSHOUR/ 8:42 With transcript/
    Always dependable reporter Margaret Warner interviews Jeffrey Goldberg of "The Atlantic" magazine and Julia Sweig, who met with Fidel Castro in La Habana and discussed the Cuba's economic system and revealed a quote about a failing economy that... echoed around the world.

JULIA SWEIG: "Well, yes, he really said that. Let it be stated here definitively. I was there. He said it. And he said it definitively and unequivocally. His attempt to roll it back might take away from that, and it picked up in your story a little bit, was saying: Although we are changing our model, and it needs to change, that doesn't mean we're importing their model, the American capitalist model.

There's a long history in Cuba of discussing publicly what models do and don't work, whether Spanish imperial model, American neocolonial model, the Soviet communist model. And, so, God forbid they actually should change their model and import something else. This is a Cuban hybrid that is evolving."