05 April 2010

MEXICO: The Face Of Juarez Violence.

LATIMES/   A profile of Eduardo Ravelo, 42, leader of the Barrio Aztecas gang, who has turned Cuidad Juarez into a murderous hellhole and the world's most dangerous city. Ravelo allegedly controls thousands of thugs who kill, extort, traffic drugs and launder money. "He's a butterfly, a moth," says an FBI agent hunting him. "He takes care of his people and that keeps him under the radar."  In Mexico, Ravelo appears to have protection. "Anybody can be found in Juarez,"said a former gangster. "If the government puts enough pressure, or the right price is put out, someone will give him up." The heat on him has increased as authorities in the U.S. and Mexico investigate whether Ravelo was behind the killing of three people associated with the U.S. Consulate.