14 March 2010

MEXICO: Bloodshed Escalates/U.S. Warns Consulate Personnel After Executions.

NYTIMES/UPDATE/ AM 15/03/    The U.S. State Department authorized the departure of dependents of personnel from cities along the border after three people connected with the Ciudad Juarez consulate were murdered in a drive-by shooting. They were shot to death by men who intercepted their cars as they returned from a child's birthday party, officials said Sunday. "The information we have indicates they were specific targets, but the motives behind the attack are not yet known," said an official. “Violence in the country has increased,” read a State web posting. “It is imperative that U.S. citizens understand the risks in Mexico, how best to avoid dangerous situations, and who to contact if victimized.” In Acapulco on Saturday, 13 people were killed in drug-related violence including five police officers. 20 more died in Guerrero. Eight people were slain at a birthday party for a farmer in Sinaloa.