10 March 2010

BRASIL: AP Interviews Lula da Silva About Sanctioning Iran And Quitting Smoking.

AP/ MIAMI HERALD/    President Lula da Silva told AP in a 30-minute interview that further sanctions are likely to further alienate Iran and possibly lead to war. "We don't want to repeat in Iran what happened in Iraq. It's not prudent for the world, it's not prudent for Iran," Silva said. "Who decided that the United States, France, England, China and Russia represent the collective aspirations of our planet, the new geopolitics, the new world order - with nations that were poor yesterday but today are in the midst of extraordinary economic growth?" asked Silva. He said he will work to convince Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to restart negotiations. He also admitted that a recent blood pressure spike scared him into kicking a 50-year smoking habit, without nicotine patches, gum or medication. "I haven't smoked for 40 days and I'm feeling better."