07 March 2010

AUSTIN, TEXAS: "Richard From Texas" Vogt Dead At 62.

AUSTIN AMERICAN STATESMAN/    Richard Vogt, 62, an authentic Austin character and a friend for two decades died in his sleep Thursday from an apparent heart attack. A retired carpenter, he is best known for his prominent role in Elizabeth Gilbert's three million best seller "Eat Pray Love," where he is portrayed as a homespun wisdom spouting guru known as "Richard from Texas." He had also appeared with Gilbert on the popular "Oprah Winfrey Show." A film version of Gilbert's book is currently underway starring Julia Roberts with an actor portraying Richard. We had lunch the day before he departed for what was to be the last visit to his beloved ashram in India. I kidded him again about the slow progress of his own book as we both devoured the Whole Foods' fresh organic kale salad, kissed with sweet raspeberry dressing and pine nuts that he so relished. His passing is another reminder that life is in session and the clock is ticking on us all. This is not a dress rehearsal. Adios, Tchau, Ciao and Namaste, my old friend!