21 January 2013

RUSSIA / DENMARK / CHINA : Once Icebound Arctic Surrenders To Shipping.

         LONG, LONG READ; Link is to abstract only.

     For former mariners...or wannabes like this blog's editor...a recent piece...'Polar Express'  in the 23-31 December, 2012 issue of The New Yorker...by journalist Keith Gessen...is the best long read in a long time.
     It details the journey of a Danish-owned bulk carrier...loaded with iron ore...from Murmansk, Russia to China...in a convoy led by 2 Russian ice breakers...by way of the Northern Sea Route in July 2012...and thru Arctic ice once clogged and blocked.
     It's the fascinating tale of daily life on a big ship...as it moves thru historically impassable...sometimes impossible...and always dangerous ice floes!