13 December 2012

BRASIL : Media Clamor For Lula Corruption Probe...Grows.


     Brasil's most popular figure...former 2-term president Lula da Silva...is under media scrutiny and attack for his alleged role in the massive mensalao corruption scandal...that has seen 25 of his party's associates convicted so far.
     The media...led by some newspapers...are loudly beating the drums for a federal probe into the extent of Lula's knowledge...after the scheme's organizer...Marcos Valerio (below) ...accused him...but only after he was convicted.
    At least 3 top federal judges believe a probe of Lula's role should proceed.
    President Rousseff has dismissed the Lula allegations; in Paris Lula called them as 'lies'.
    Rousseff's spokesman told AP...'What most impresses me is how a person who has been convicted...all of a sudden and in an act of desperation to lower his sentence...becomes a credible person.'
     But...the charges ring true for some citizens...especially since Lula's top aide...Jose Dirceu...was convicted...and sentenced a huge fine and 11 years.
     A Sao Paulo banker observed...'He's such a powerful figure in Brasil. You're telling me all this happened under his nose and he didn't know?'
    Damage to Lula's reputation could also hurt President Rousseff...because of their close association.
    It might also kill any Lula run for the presidency...in 2014...and beyond.