26 June 2011

ECUADOR: Murders, Crime Rise...As Narco Traffic Increases; China Loans Bad Credit Correa Billions.


Violence is spiking in Ecuador with all crimes up 15% to 50% last year... compared with 2009.

Murders have doubled in 20 years to nearly 19 per 100,000 residents.

Why? Drug muling and transport. Some 200 tons of cocaine...or about 25% of Colombia and Peru's annual production...moves thru Ecuador.

Another reason is Ecuador's weak judicial system.

Arrested drug suspects often evade justice because corrupt or frightened temporary judges let them go.

ALSO:  Just 2 years after defaulting on $3.2bn in debts that all but ruined its credit, Ecuador's usd bonds have roared back...with a 13% return...Latin America's best.
President Correa can thank China for new loans that will reach at least $3bn in 2011...and higher oil prices.
FinMin Patricio Rivera is seeking another $2bn loan from China, besides a $1bn from PetroChina in February for future oil sales. Ecuador negotiated a similar deal with China for $1bn in 2009.