Popular Posts
- RUSSIA : Putin Now Playing Corruption Slayer Card.
- EU / FRANCE / UK : Paris Continues Nastiness Over Cameron Euro Balk...Demanding That London Be Downgraded First!
- ITALY / EUROZONE : New Greek Crisis Delays Berlusconi's Love Songs CD Release.
- MEXICO : To Fend Off Brutal Zetas Narcos...Torreon Ponders Deal With Sinaloa Gang; Zetas Still Control Coal Rich Coahuila State.
- USA / HOUSING/ MEDIA : Is Bloomberg/Businessweek Cover...Racist?
- VENEZUELA : Bitter Election Aftermath For Opposition; Zulia Man Kills 6 After Losing Bet On Capriles.
- GEORGIA : 2 MPs Slug It Out...On Live TV.
- RUSSIA: Anti-Corruption Blogger Alexei Navalny Emerges As Putin Party Challenger; Another Protest In 'Putin Snow Revolt.'
- VENEZUELA / ARGENTINA : Hugo Paints Nestor...For Cristina; Chavez Hosts CELAC Summit...Without USA, Canada.
- SERBIA / LIBYA : Are Serbian Mercenary Pilots Bombing Protestors In Tripoli?
29 May 2013
After a long dispute with an unresponsive...and seemingly indifferent webmaster at Google's Blogger...over months of spurious USA page view stats...and the invasion of increasingly annoying spider bots...Twitter is the NEW home of ALL of this blog editor's news posts/links.
Not having heard anything from Google...it is unlikely that this Google blog will return.
But on Twitter...this editor will be able to link to MORE stories...in LESS time...and even from some news sites now blocked by restrictive paywalls.
Plus...Twitter provides an immediacy to #hash-tagged news items...that Google News can only dream about.
Sadly, the visual array of news images will disappear.
So...view the @HyperObserver at its new Twitter home...for this editor's daily selection of stories...from the torrent of world news.