The yield on 10-year Italian bonds dropped Monday to 3.94%...their lowest price since October 2010...after Enrico Letta was approved as acting PM.
Letta declared that he only has 18 months to turn Italia's economy and politics around.
A BIG 4-time former PM Silvio Berlusconi.
Because...angry blogger Beppe Grillo's leftist 5 Star Movement is stuck and fading...and Pier Luigi Bersani has departed his left center party's leadership...licking his wounds.
Conservative billionaire Silvio, 76...leads polls by 5-8 points.
Now slippery Silvio only has to survive 2 trials...for corruption and sex with a remain THE power in Italian politics.
Silvio's longtime associate...Angelino Alfano is even Letta's Deputy PM.
But Silvio must also thwart another election...and anger among the populace...especially the unemployment hit 11.6%...and Italy steeps itself in recession.
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