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13 February 2013
ENERGY : Gasoline Prices...Around the World.
When you start whining about high gas prices here in the USA...consider what they pay in Turkey...$9.89 per gallon!
Ouch! Who knew?
The local North Austin Walmart yesterday was charging $3.36 per gallon for regular... but today wants $3.46...without the $.03 store card discount.
This nifty foto feature from Bloomberg is loaded with factoids...ranking 60 countries by average retail...and 'pain at the pump'...the percentage of avg. daily income to buy one gallon.
With colorful stock images, too.
The average global price is...$6.01.
Thanks to Petrobras...Brasil ranks 39th...at $5.40.
Highly sanctioned Iran's price...is $2.15...and it must still import gasoline.
But...cancer challenged Hugo Chavez's Venezuela is number one...just $.06 per gallon... easily beating out Saudi Arabai's $.45 per gallon!
Fascinating stuff!