TO WATCH: 47:44 min...with transcript
On-line college courses are the new hot things....featuring short bites of video instruction from eminent experts.
On Friday...distinguished left leaning TV talk show host Bill Moyers...hosted Princeton economist/Nobel winner/NYT columnist Paul Krugman...for about 48 minutes.
Krugman...plugging his most recent book...End This Depression Now...offered his Keynesian views about 'austerity obsession,' Republican crazies and budget deficit mania.
This news blog's editor first became enamored with economics during a high school class...and the fascination has only blossomed since.
With Moyers gently guiding get a chance to hear...and learn...from an he expounds about USA economic theory...and history since the 1930's.
It's like sitting-in on a Princeton seminar.
Priceless...and worth bookmarking!
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