The Pulitzer Center reports that Warsaw awarded 111 shale gas concessions to 30 companies.
But...the far...have been disappointing.
Few wells have been drilled.
Experts blame difficult geology, a poor service sector and infrastructure...and regulatory and tax uncertainties.
Also...estimates of Poland's nat gas potential have been drastically lowered by 10 fold.
ALSO: Lawyers for 2 men illegally held in a Polish 'black site' jail outside of Warsaw... believe that Warsaw is slow walking the avoid embarrassment.
An investigation has been underway...for 5 years.
There are claims that Lithuania and other nations also hosted 'black sites.'
UPDATE!!! LINK CHANGE: Many Brits are upset that frozen beef burgers sold at Tesco and other markets...contained up to 29% horse meat.
It came from Irish distributor...but DNA tests showed the horse meat originated in Poland.
It came from Irish distributor...but DNA tests showed the horse meat originated in Poland.