Protesters clashed with Santiago police Sunday...while some 4,000 people viewed a pro Pinochet documentary that celebrates the dictator's 1973-1990 rule.
22 civilians and 20 police were injured...with 64 police used water cannons and tear gas to dispel demonstrators.
More than 3,200 people were killed or 'disappeared' during the Pinochet regime.
Researchers have documented 37,000 cases of torture and detention.
But the celebration upsets many.
'An event like this could not take place in Germany...where tributes to Hitler are banned,' said a professor.
'Legally, we can hold these events in Chile, even if that should not be the case morally.'
He believes the celebrations only 'rub salt in the wounds of the victims.'
TO WATCH: 1:15 Video report on police clash: