This news blog has posted in the past about the mean spirited nature of Spirit Airlines.
Spirit leads...ALL...USA airlines for customer complaints.
A Facebook page has blossomed...urging a boycott of it...with 30,000 supporters.
The editor would join it...if I still used Facebook...and remembered my old password.
The new outrage is over a proposed charge for carry-on....and its recent treatment of a dying Marine vet.
It really got going when Spirit announced that it will charge $100 for any large carry-on bag on 6 November...unless paid for in advance...or at the kiosk rate of $50.
One industry observer calls it 'skyway robbery.'
An exec with Flyers Rights says: 'Spirit Airlines has a history of cruelty toward their passengers but they continue to treat them like meat in a seat because their fares are so low they are confident people will fly with them. But the fact is people are damaged by Spirit every day and Spirit has a culture of 'I don't care.'
Spirit flies to some of this blog's nations of Latin America and the Caribe.
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