Always the bargain hunter...Mexico's Carlos Slim...the world's richest man with $76 billion in assets...wants to increase his stake in troubled Dutch telephone company Royal KPN...from 28%.
Slim is offering..E8 per share or...E2.6 billion/$3.4 billion.
Royal KPN has rejected his offer as too low.
Slim's America Movil has reached a saturation point of 70% in Mexico...and recently minor pushback from regulators over pricing and competition.
Yet...the WSJ reports that Am. Movil throws off $1 billion in profits...monthly!
America Movil accounts for 63% of Slim's wealth.
Though KPN's value has plunged by 30% this still delivers...a 12% dividend!
And with a bigger KPN stake...Slim could put a stake into the heart of his biggest competitor in Spain, Europe and Latin America...Telefonica.
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