Short Profile
Alexis Tsirpras is a young man who may lead Greece out of the Eurozone's austerity wilderness...or into a new an international outcast and Argentina.
His leftist party Syriza's surprising second place finish upset Greek...and EU politics...and he is riding a wave of popularity...up to 27%...from 20% just after the most recent election.
Tsirpras, a motorcyle riding...fiery orator...who shuns ties...and is said to be a perfectionist.
NEWEST LINK!!!: In Paris...Leftist Alex Tsirpas claims anti-austerity fever will only spread...and other countries will fall for its siren call.
He says he feels 'a wind of change' blowing...even as Greece heads for 'collective suicide.'
Tsirpas says he wants 'to mobilize'...not 'blackmail' other nations...and that German Chancellor Merkel must not treat Greece as a 'protectorate.'