The 'B' in BRIC might stand for 'Bad" 2011 registered Brasilia's slowest economic growth...since 2003...with miserly 2.7% GDP growth...barely escaping technical recession.
By contrast, in 2010...Brasil had a blistering 7.5% growth.
Brasilians blame the REAL's worsening exchange rate...but outsiders see the need for structural reforms, lower inflation and lower taxes.
With China targeting a mere 7.5% GDP growth in 2012...demand for Brasil's strengths... raw commodities...especially soya and iron ore...will no doubt lessen.
FinMin Guido Mantegna (foto) says Brasil will lower interest 10.5%...and among the world's highest.
Most experts estimate Brasil will grow by 3.0-3.5% in 2012.
The good news is the REAL has retreated from the critical 1.70/usd 1.76 today.
AND: In 2011...Brasil officially overtook the the world's 6th largest economy.
But if its mediocre performance continues...India and perhaps even Russia will replace it by 2020.
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