YOUTUBE 4:15 Videoclip oficial
Today MFM departs from its recent Rio feature Cuban salsa...but from Miami...with Issac Delgado and La India in performance singing...'Que No Se Te Olvide".
On my many visits to Cuba...Issac Delgado's music kept me company.
I even slept with the radio playing.
La Cubana didn't long as the sound was low.
FYI...Cuba's infamous state propaganda outlet...Radio Rebelde...actually plays a good selection of tunes...late at night....and in the madrugada.
While La Cubana never much liked salsero Issac...preferring that awful Reggaeton...his music is the soundtrack of my time in Cuba.
In 2006...Delgado defected...leaving stardom and shocking Cuba...for relative obscurity ...but freedom in the USA.
Of course, Issac is still that same smooth/suavecito has a new album...created without fear of censorship.
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