07 October 2011

CHILE : After Education Reforms Negotiations Fail, Santiago Suffers "Most Violent March" Yet; One School's 'Occupation'.


     “This has been one of the most violent marches,”claimed Santiago Mayor Pablo Zalaquett...after police again employed water cannons and tear gas to break up the 37th student march demanding free public education...following a break-down of negotiations.
     Officials report at least 250 arrests...with 25 officers and five civilians injured.
     At least half-dozen journalists were arrested.
     Well known student leader Camila Vallejo called the police crackdown unprecedented...and she was reportedly pummeled by water cannon and tear-gassed into a retreat.
     Recent polling shows 89% support the students' reforms...with only 30% supporting President Sebastian Piñera.

TO READ about one Santiago primary school's 5-month occupation by dozens of teenage girls: