30 August 2011

MEXICO : Shock Waves From Monterrey Massacre...Rocking PAN Party Prospects.

                                       REUTERS / Analysis/ D. Graham
     Even as President Calderon sends more troops into Monterrey (above)...and parades 5 suspects in a deadly arson there (below) while seeking 7 others... widespread despair is growing...after 52 deaths from the bingo casino attack .
     Monterrey...the Mexico's prosperous and 3rd largest city...has been a bastion for Calderon's PAN party.
     No longer.
     Hundreds demonstrated Sunday...carrying signs like: "Calderon -- Your government has brought us fear, terror and death. Resign now."
     A recent poll shows PAN with only about 20% support.
    "People go out in the morning here and don't know if they'll make it home at night," said a young Monterrey resident. "And the PAN are even more corrupt than the PRI used to be when they were in power."