27 August 2011

ARGENTINA/ FRANCE: 28 Aug UPDATE: Police Re-Create Crime Scene...With 3 Suspects In Salta; Contradictions Revealed; 3 Suspects Released.

     Three main suspects...including Santos Vera...in the brutal rapes and murders of 2 French student tourists were led by police...in handcuffs and bulletproof vests up a trail outside Salta...where the bodies of Cassandre Bouvier, 29 and Moumni Houria, 23 were discovered on 29 July.
     Meanwhile, Momento 24 reports that the judge in charge of the investigation has released 3 other suspects from custody: Maria Fernanda Canizares, the novia of the main suspect Gustavo Lasi, his father Walter and Raul Sarmiento.
      Just 3 suspects remain in custody: Gustavo Lasi, Santos Vera and Daniel Vilte.
     Police say the recreation revealed contradictions in the 3 suspects' accounts.