16 July 2011

EUROZONE / USA : Experts Discuss Economic Train Wrecks In EU And USA...With Charlie Rose.

CHARLIE ROSE TV/ 15 July...2nd segment...about 30 mins

   If you are like me...perhaps you can't get enough of speculation about those twin important, slow-motion economic train wrecks now underway...the Eurozone's sovereign debt debate...and the USA's insane debt ceiling dispute.
    Luckily...the Charlie Rose TV program often satisfies that itch.
   Friday's middle segment...with the FT's Gillian Tett, Pimco's Bill Gross, The Economist's Zanny Minton Beddoes and a very somber guy from rating agency S/P...was an interesting discussion.  The culprits? Gutless politicians!
    I was especially impressed with the insights of the FT's Tett (above)