21 June 2011

EUROZONE / GREECE : Simon Nixon Debunks 5 Greek Debt Myths; Risks Of Leaving The Euro.

WSJ/ Simon Nixon, OPINION

Nixon "debunks" 5 current Greek debt myths: 1. Greece is insolvent; 2. It's in Greece's interest to default;
3. Greek default wouldn't be a Lehman moment; 4. You can't keep kicking the can; 5. It's all Greece's fault.

ALSO: J. Treanor examines Greece's risks by leaving the Eurozone.
     "When the blueprint for the euro was drawn up, leaving was not an option: there were no circumstances under which any member would ever want to leave and therefore no exit route. But the once unthinkable now looks entirely possible.
Any plan to enable Greece to pull out of the eurozone would need to include a way to nationalise its banks, new restrictions to stop money and assets leaving the country – which could include limits on cash withdrawals from hole-in-the-wall machines – and a restructuring of the vast Greek debt pile."