14 June 2011

BRASIL: Brasilia's Congress Of Indecisive...Overpaid...Clowns.

GUARDIAN / Jean-Pierre Langellier

There are 30,000 bills pending in Brazil's congress, the legislative body in the capital Brasilia, composed of 513 deputies and 81 senators...including 975 constitutional amendments awaiting ratification. The oldest has been pending for 16 years.

Also 50 international treaties, one of which, ratified last month, was dated 1994.

Plus 12 budgets still await debate... with one dating to 1990.

In other words, Brasil's congress is one huge joke of indecision.
But...highly-paid...indecisive legislative clowns.

In fact, Tiririca, a real clown from S. Paulo, was elected recently to the lower house...with more than a million votes...and admitted to the hallowed halls... but only after he passed a literacy test.

Not that The USA has anything to brag about. It's own senate is antiquated...with many obscure procedures...allowing it to proceed at a snail's pace... and with equal representation (2) for population giant California...as there is for tiny Delaware.
There are increasing calls for it...to just be dissolved.