01 April 2011

SERBIA: Still Waiting...Impatiently...For Prosperity.

BLOOMBERG / G.Filipovic and J.Gomez

   "Ten years after Slobodan Milosevic’s March 31 arrest for war crimes, citizens are still waiting for authorities to make good on promises to create jobs, stamp out corruption and build trust in the Balkan nation’s institutions. No cabinet since   Milosevic’s ouster has lasted four years, the government is struggling to sell state assets, borrowing costs are the highest in Europe and entry into the 27-nation bloc is years away."
    Serbia's per capita GDP was only $5,260 last year...vs $13,527 in Croatia... and $38,600 in Germany.
   “Citizens are most afraid of uncertainty and have reached a high level of distrust,” said an analyst. “People are unhappy because of a sense of injustice.”
                                                     ( Pictured: PM Mirko Cvetkovic)