18 April 2011

BELARUS: Recent Subway Bombing, Possible Devaluation...Rattle Nation.

NYTIMES/ M. Schwirtz/

     This nation of 10 million is suffering the jitters after a recent subway bombing killed 13 and wounded over 200.
     Reportedly five have been arrested in this centrally planned former Soviet republic that still depends on the largesse of others nations to survive.
    But it's two main supporters, Russia and the EU, may have deserted Europe's so-called "last dictator," President Alexander Lukashenko.
   Sadly for his citizens, food prices are soaring, the ruble is losing value and long lines, reminiscent of the old days, are re-appearing at currency exchanges.
     People are seeking to trade-in their rubles for euros...or even the usd.
   “You remember the 1990s when people waited in line for bread,” said a housewife. “Now we wait in line for dollars.”