16 March 2011

ITALY: New Details Emerge About "Ruby" And Berlusconi's Bunga Bunga Parties.


    Milano's prosecutors have released salacious new details about PM Silvio Berlusconi's sexual relations with Karima El Mahroug, aka Ruby, when she was still 17 or perhaps...even 16.
    They charge that Berlusconi paid Ruby 13 times and also allege that 33 women took part in the PM's erotic parties at his villa near Milan.
   Berlusconi denies the charges.
   "I am 75 years old", he told La Repubblica.
   "And even if I am a rascal, 33 girls in two months seems to me to be too many, even for a 30-year-old. It's too many for anyone."
     The prosecutors also want indictments against three Berlusconi associates: TV presenter Emilio Fede, celebrity agent Lele Mora and former show girl Nicole Minetti.