12 March 2011

CUBA: 13 Mar UPDATE: U.S. Contractor Gross Is... GUILTY! Given 15 Years!

P.HAVEN/ FRESH Reactions/

   U.S. contractor Alan Gross, 61, was found guilty of crimes against the Cuba and sentenced to 15 years in prison.
   The Cuban judge said prosecutors had proven their case that Gross was paid by the U.S. for a "subversive" program to bring down the revolution.
    "He has already spent too many days in detention and should not spend one more," said a White House spokesman. "We urge the immediate release of Mr. Gross so that he can return home to his wife and family."
    The verdict comes just a week after Gross's two-day, closed to the media, trial in La Habana.

   Gross has the right to appeal the verdict.
    U.S.officials have said that any warming in relations is impossible while Gross remains jailed.
   Gross's legal team may try to get him released because he has already served 15 months, suffers from diabetes and has lost more than 90 pounds since his arrest.  His 26-year-old daughter and 88-year-old mother are also both suffering from cancer.