22 March 2011

CUBA: Dissident Blogger Yoani Sanchez Labelled "Cyber" Traitor On TV Program.


   Dissident blogger Yoani Sanchez is under attack again for waging "cyberwar" against Cuba.
   Sánchez, 35, whose blog Generacion Y has won many prizes and cash awards from around the world, was the subject of Monday's episode in a series of TV programs called "Cuba Reasons".
   The latest episode claims Sánchez was "demonising" socialism.
   "Cyberwar is not a war of bombs and bullets, but of information, communication, algorithms and bytes. It is the new form of invasion that has originated in the developed world," said the program's narrator.
   Sanchez tweeted her response: "I am so happy. Finally the alternative blogosphere on official television, although it's to insult us. They don't know what they've done! Pandora's Box has been smashed open!"