13 March 2011

COLOMBIA: Tourists Make Some Amazon Indigena...Indignant.


    In the village of Nazareth in southern Colombia, the Ticuna indigena people have banned tourists.
    They were simply tired of being curiosities for backpacking tourists drawn by eco-tourism.
    Last year 35,000 tourists visited the region to see monkeys or swim in the Amazon river with pink dolphins.
    But in Nazareth there are guards armed with sticks to stop the unwelcome visitors.
  "We had lots of problems. People came, left their rubbish behind, garbage bags, plastic bottles," explained resident Grimaldo Ramos.
   "Tourists come and shove a camera in our faces," he said. "Imagine if you were sitting in your home and strangers came in and started taking photos of you. You wouldn't like it."
   "What we earn here is very little. Tourists come here, they buy a few things, a few goods and they go. It is the travel agencies that make the good money," said a spokesman.