21 March 2011

COLOMBIA: Poor Infrastructure Hurts Competitiveness.


   This blog sadly reports the all-too-common major traffic and bus accidents in Latin America... because it is a mode of travel many people, myself included, prefer ...or can afford.
   But Colombia's poor roads are responsible for many terrible accidents... including one just this week... where 21 died after a bus went out of control in a tunnel.
  "Colombia’s decaying and inadequate transport infrastructure is clearly among the country's top challenges. Poor roads and railways are one reason why the country fell in global rankings of competitiveness in tourism. Standard and Poor’s, a credit rating agency, recently cited infrastructure as one of three key factors keeping Colombia from attaining an investment grade rating, long coveted by the country’s economic policymakers."
AND: "Bogota and Medellin, Colombia’s two largest cities, are only 160 miles apart geographically, but driving from one to the other, though much faster than it used to be, still takes eight hours at best. Shockingly for two cities with outstanding innovations in public transport, the roads that connect them are still narrow, winding and often very congested."