18 March 2011

BRASIL:19 Mar UPDATE: Obama Goes To Brasilia To Meet Dilma And Rio To Visit "Pacified" Favela.

M. WHITEFIELD/ 4 screen read...combined

   With his first stop Brasil, President Obama begins a 5-day tour of three Latin American nations.
    Brasil is the world’s seventh largest economy and an important U.S. trading partner.
    Brasil's new President Dilma Rousseff has slowly emerged from popular ex-President Lula's shadow and global ambitions; she wants to repair any bad feelings left by Lula.

   Obama reportedly requested to visit a "pacified" favela/slum.
   One likely favela for his visit is the "City of God" (pictured above) made infamous by the violent movie of the same name, one of more than 20 "pacified" by a security initiative.
   Residents there report recent cleanups and repairs, including a basketball court; also many reporters and soldiers were seen wandering the streets.