J. Barbassa
2 Screen Read...combined.
After several recent tragedies in Rio, Carnaval spelled with an "a", Brasil's most extravagant and glorious six days...officially began.
The celebration will attract about 756,000 visitors who will spend about $559 million usd.
In Rio itself, 424 street bands and "blocos," have registered.
Presiding over it is a figure called King Momo.
"Carnival is the world's biggest manifestation of happiness, merrymaking, extravagance," said the man selected this year as Momo. "It's a massive getting rid of all the stresses of every day, and it brings a sense of peace and togetherness. I hope to do this as long as I can, God willing and my disposition holding up."
AND: The GUARDIAN features 5 video links of various lengths to festive Carnaval footage.
I especially like the music/fotos of the 2:50 "bate-bolas" (ball-knockers) video "Batelandia" by Gui Christ from 2010.http://www.guardian.co.uk/travel/2011/mar/04/riodejaneiro-brazil-carnival-videos
ALSO: For a continuing views of Salvador, Bahia's famous street Carnaval,
from 3 march to 8 march, go to:
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